萨利希人的家族 & 库特奈部落拥有的企业

Cross-cultural exchange at the Garden of One Thousand Buddhas on the Flathead Reservation

千佛园(4)As one passes north through the town of Arlee on the Flathead Reservation in Montana, the landscape is filled with many farms and ranches owned by local residents. 就在高速公路旁, 在阿利以北两英里处, is a 60-acre piece of land that stands out from the farms and ranches. The beautiful garden layout of native trees and plants are towered by a 35-foot, colorful shrine. All around the shrine are mini-sculptures that symmetrically project outward towards a circle of more mini sculptures. The pavilion houses the largest sculpture called Yum Chenmo (in the representation of the Deity Tara), 佛教教义中的慈母形象. 神社周围的小雕像是佛像. 准确地说是一千个小佛像, 花园因此得名, 千佛园.


千佛园的特色是一座巨大的尤承谟雕像, 伟大的母亲, 在许多小佛像的尖星的中心.

祖古尚噶仁波切, Tibetan master of the Nyingma School of Buddhism and the 6th incarnation of Gochen Tulku, 开始学习佛陀的教导. At the age of eight, he was captured by communist China and imprisoned for practicing Dharma. 九年先生. Sang-Ngag was imprisoned only strengthened his faith and he has since traveled the world to promote peace.

在他的旅途中. Sang-Ngag会见了Linda 普利兹克, one of Forbes 400 Richest People in America and heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune, 在圣达菲的一个佛教静修处, NM. 琳达遇到了. Sang-Ngag again in her hometown of Boulder, CO and knew that she wanted him to be her teacher. Mentioning an upcoming trip to the Mission Valley in Montana to look for a new place to live, Mr. Sang-Ngag问他是否可以陪她. They arrived in Missoula and began their trip north to the Flathead Indian Reservation. 经过阿利镇的时候, 他们渡过了乔科河,来到一片平坦的空地上, 叫做沙尔平原. Mr. Sang-Ngag noticed the land looked like a lotus flower blooming and asked Ms. 普利兹克从93号高速公路开到白狼路. There was a “Land for sale” sign off the road and 普利兹克 and Sang-Ngag went to investigate. 当他们到达那处房产时. Sang-Ngag recalls looking at the valley and the mountains and recognized the landscape, 尽管之前从未亲身到过那里.

千佛园在他年轻的时候. Sang-Ngag had a vision of building a Buddhist temple at the base of a mountain and a very specific landscape. Mr. Sang-Ngag知道这一点, 当他站在阿利以北时, that this would be the place he dreamt about and would build a temple that would promote peace in the world. Knowing the complicated history of non-Indian landownership and other religious sects buying property on the reservation, Ms. 普利兹克 tried to persuade Sang-Ngag to reconsider building on an Indian Reservation. Mr. 尚娥已经下了决心. 一位匿名捐赠者买下了房产和牧场别墅, 还要再买一栋房子.



听取女士的意见. 普利兹克, Sang-Ngag met with 的CSKT Tribal Council to gain the support of the tribe before construction began. Mr. Sang-Ngag brought traditional gifts of coffee and katags (offering scarves) to the Council, 他们接受了. Mr. Sang-Ngag also cited similar histories of the Tibetan people and the Native people of North America. 西藏人, 很像美洲印第安人, 面临政府的流离失所和压迫. 西藏人 also burned sage and juniper as sacramental offerings during prayer and have respect for the sacredness of the land.

The Tribal Council cited concerns that the Buddhist site would draw many people to the area and possibly drive up land prices. 朱莉Cajune, 部落成员, 他向《伟德体育app登录》提到, “It’s ironic but many Indian people cannot afford to buy land on their own reservation.“社区中的许多人也有同样的担忧, 他们认为这个佛教景点会吸引很多人来这里. Mr. Sang-Ngag met many times with Tribal officials and shared their concern for any attention the garden might bring. Most people in the community now feel more comfortable with the garden. Mr. Sang-Ngag reassured the community that the Buddhist garden is for everyone, 无论宗教信仰和精神信仰如何. 每年春天都有和平庆典, where tribal spiritual leaders and the Buddhist community come together and celebrate their efforts for world peace.


Yum Chenmo,伟大的母亲.

The 24-foot tall statue in the representation of Tara is called Yum Chenmo,伟大的母亲. The garden itself is laid out with the statue of Yum Chenmo in the center and eight-spoke wheel symmetrically protruding outwards. The base of the statue contains destroyed weaponry to signify peace on earth. 八辐轮是法轮的形状, 佛教教义中最神圣的是什么. Each wheel spoke and the outer circle contain the one thousand statues of Buddha, 其中900座正在建造中. The remaining statues will eventually be built and the garden will be complete; the time table is contingent on the amount of money raised. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has accepted an invitation from Mr. Sang-Ngag to visit the Garden of One Thousand Buddhas and consecrate the land once it is finished.





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